Happiest New Year to thee – followers of MY WEEKEND INSIGHTS

Happiest New Year to thee – followers of MY WEEKEND INSIGHTS

PSALM 30:5 _For His anger endureth but a moment, and in His favor is life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning_

The year 2021 was by far the most difficult year to some while to others, it was up there with some of most difficult; From losing close people to nursing an economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, etc. But surprisingly, beneath all this..some found a silver lining with some people starting businesses, others got jobs, waved good bye to Bachelor/spinsterhood and some even built dream houses. Whether good or bad, let’s get with it. 2021 is gone, our hope is to see the best out of 2022. Like everyone is prophesying, I feel that 2022 will be a great year but only for those who purpose to make it a great year. Your proclamations without intention won’t yield too much and our intentions without action are worse still. This may sound like some uncomfortable message especially that everyone is speaking positivity into 2022! While i agree to being positive about tomorrow but i still believe we can only reap where we sow, and that includes this new year 2022.

Let’s have a glance at these interesting IF’s ; If you decide to sleep a little longer, poverty will strike in 2022, if you decide not to forgive, your heart will remain restless through 2022, if you have an average attitude unless you change, you shall remain average in 2022. For those who choose to make it a better year, it sure will be.

Let’s stop being crying babies and pursue greatness in the year 2022. Covid19 has made us more resilient, we don’t have any excuse but to flourish. Look out to apply God’s biblical principles in your lives for it makes a difference. Robin Sharma says you will achieve much in 2022 only If you think the right thoughts, encode the right habits and then make the wise moves

I celebrate you for making it through the difficult year and wish you a Flourishing 2022.


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